Angry Birds Attack Drones Used To Monitor Ocean For Sharks And Struggling Swimmers

Angry Birds Attack Drones Used To Monitor Ocean For Sharks And Struggling Swimmers

New York City is flying drones over its beaches in an attempt to spot spot sharks before they become a threat, as well as swimmers who are struggling. While the drones could end up making the beaches safer, they’ve also upset the local bird population, leading to a series of attacks. Flocks of birds are … Read more

E-Scooter Traffic Violations Increased By 400 Percent In Japan

E-Scooter Traffic Violations Increased By 400 Percent In Japan

Japan’s National Police claim the country is seeing a surge in traffic violations from riders of e-scooters. These outlaws on two small wheels are responsible for an increase in violations of 400 percent in the last six months, according to the Japan Times, which means e-scooter offenses are off the charts relative to the same … Read more

Bird Scooters’ Fall From A $2 Billion Valuation To Bankruptcy

Bird Scooters’ Fall From A  Billion Valuation To Bankruptcy

Remember that era where tons of companies tried to convince us that rentable electric scooters were the future of transportation? The two-wheeled menaces started popping up on city streets like a micromobility plague, becoming the favored mode of travel for drunk folks in cities. But that dream has died. Bird Global, one of the most … Read more