Bhutan introduces Gross National Happiness 2.0 to help economic crisis

Bhutan’s governing philosophy of “Gross National Happiness” has been heralded the world over for balancing economic growth with the well-being of its citizens. But recent discussions of “Gross National Happiness 2.0” by its newly elected Prime Minister Tshering Tobgay suggest that change on some level is underway as the country struggles with an economic crisis … Read more

Bhutan may revise its Sustainable Development Fee if travel picks up

Bhutan may reconsider its controversial $100 daily tourism fees if the country’s tourism industry recovers soon, Bhutan’s Prime Minister Tshering Tobgay told CNBC on May 10. But the fees are likely to go higher, he said. Bhutan reopened its borders in September 2022 with an increased “Sustainable Development Fee” of $200 per person per day … Read more

Here’s what it may look like

The kingdom of Bhutan is planning a “mindfulness city” that, if built, will cover some 2.5% of the country — an area larger than Singapore. Plans show the 1,000-square-kilometer city will be built near the town of Gelephu, along Bhutan’s southern border with India. “Gelephu Mindfulness City,” as it’s called in the project’s masterplan, will … Read more