Bike Riding Can Lower Your Risk Of Arthritis And Knee Pain

Knee pain is unfortunately a common struggle as we age ― and while managing the pain may feel like an uphill battle, experts say there’s an exercise you can try to help your knee health. According to a recent study published in the Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise journal, bike riding is supremely … Read more

‘I’m a doctor – this incredible diet can slash risk of diabetes, dementia and even cancer’

We are all aware of the saying, “You are what you eat”. While this could be viewed as just a throwaway line there is actually some truth to it. Our diet plays an enormous role in our overall health and wellbeing, with certain foods known to lower or raise your risk for some conditions. This … Read more

Cases of gout skyrocket by almost 1,000% in parts of England – hotspots mapped

Health experts have voiced their concern as some parts of England have seen an almost 1,000 percent increase in cases of a painful Victorian disease. Around one in 40 people in the UK are thought to be suffering from gout – a condition that was prominent more than 100 years ago – but new figures … Read more

Common supplement increases heart disease risk, say doctors

A common supplement taken by millions of pensioners could increase the risk of heart disease and strokes for many people, a major new study has found.   Fish oil has long been believed to have many health benefits and it has been shown to help relieve debilitating symptoms of arthritis. However, a study published in the … Read more