Jane Fonda Just Gave A Michigan Woman A Big Surprise

Jane Fonda Just Gave A Michigan Woman A Big Surprise

A woman in Ann Arbor, Michigan, got a surprise when she answered the doorbell recently. That’s because she found herself face-to-face with Oscar-winning actor Jane Fonda, who was in town canvassing for Vice President Kamala Harris, the Democratic presidential nominee. Actually, closer than face-to-face, as the video below opens with the woman and Fonda sharing … Read more

Man Survives Being Run Over By Freight Train And Tangled In Wheel Axle

Man Survives Being Run Over By Freight Train And Tangled In Wheel Axle

Photo: Ann Arbor Fire Department Few vehicle-pedestrian collisions are more catastrophic than a person getting hit by a train. A freight train ran over a 20-year-old man in Ann Arbor, Michigan on Monday night. Surprisingly, the man survived what the Ann Arbor Fire Department called a “once in a career” incident. The typically fatal collision … Read more