Alberta government says advisory report shows federal electricity targets are ‘reckless’

The Alberta government pointed Tuesday to a new report from a federal advisory committee, calling it proof that Ottawa should abandon its “reckless” 2035 clean electricity targets. But the chair of the committee behind the report said its recommendations are aimed at toning down the political rhetoric around clean power and helping Ottawa and the … Read more

Alberta to overhaul municipal rules to include sweeping new powers, municipal political parties

The government of Alberta has tabled legislation that will give it sweeping powers over municipalities across the province, including the right to fire councillors and overturn bylaws. Bill 20, the Municipal Affairs Statutes Amendment Act, includes two pieces of legislation: the Local Authorities Election Act (LAEA) and the Municipal Government Act (MGA). If passed, the … Read more

Alberta, coal lobbyists talked for years about more open-pit mining in the Rockies: documents

Documents released under Alberta Freedom of Information laws confirm the United Conservative Party government was talking with the coal industry about relaxing a policy that protected the Rocky Mountains from open-pit mines long before making those plans public. The documents also show the province was talking about opening those landscapes to the potential of more … Read more

NDP’s Singh questions provinces mulling pharmacare opt-out

NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh says he believes provinces voicing plans to opt out of a national pharmacare plan will likely opt in eventually, noting similar sentiments were seen when universal health care became law in Canada. “What happened was provinces had universal health care in some places, and people said, ‘Well, we’re getting our coverage,’ … Read more

Premier Smith says restraint needed in Alberta budget 2024, vows to build Heritage Fund

Alberta Premier Danielle Smith promised not to cut spending this year in a pre-budget speech on Wednesday but said the province still needs to show more restraint than previously expected. In a pre-budget, eight-minute paid prime time televised speech, Smith said lower resource revenues and the volatile price of oil and gas have prompted the … Read more

Premier Danielle Smith in Ottawa as Liberals decry Alberta’s ‘draconian’ policies

Liberal Employment Minister Randy Boissonnault says he wants a meeting with Alberta Premier Danielle Smith to discuss her recent policy announcement on transgender youth. Smith was in Ottawa on Monday after announcing last week that her United Conservative Party government would ban puberty blockers and hormone therapy for children 15 and younger who have not … Read more

Premier Danielle Smith in Ottawa to open new provincial office for Alberta

By Staff The Canadian Press Posted February 5, 2024 8:46 am Updated February 5, 2024 9:24 am 1 min read Descrease article font size Increase article font size Alberta Premier Danielle Smith is in Ottawa today where she is set to open a new provincial office. Smith’s office says the new space is meant to … Read more

Alberta Opposition leader calls premier’s new policy affecting transgender youth ‘cynical and cruel’

The leader of the Alberta NDP says she believes a new policy proposed by the province’s premier that primarily affects transgender youth is “cynical and cruel.” One day after Premier Danielle Smith announced a new wide-ranging policy via social media that would affect transgender youth in Alberta, Opposition Leader Rachel Notley offered her response in … Read more

Former Alberta premier Rachel Notley stepping down as NDP leader

Former premier Rachel Notley, the leader of the Alberta NDP and Official Opposition, is stepping down. The Canadian Press reported Tuesday that in a recent interview, Notley said there will now be a race to replace her, and she plans to stay in the job until a new leader is picked. Notley said she may … Read more