Aries season begins on Tuesday, March 19. Since Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, this date, which coincides with the Spring Equinox, also marks the astrological New Year. It’s a time when everyone is tasked with examining how they balance their schedules. This may sound like a cliché assignment for a Capricorn, but your job is to inspect your work/life balance. Do you find yourself obsessing over work stress when you’re trying to unwind at dinner with friends? Are mental replays of tense meetings distracting you during sex? Yeah. Your loved ones can tell. Work on being present. You depend on the support your personal life offers, Capricorn. Don’t neglect it.
Social media is one area of your life that you could take a break from. When the fighter planet Mars moves into Pisces and your 3rd House on Friday, March 22, you could seriously benefit from a social media break. This need is further emphasized during the stressful full moon and lunar eclipse in Libra on Monday, March 25. Eclipses are high-octane events that make everyone feel paranoid and can lead to unexpected (and often unwelcome) changes if we aren’t careful. Social media will be a mess. To avoid losing patience and accidentally burning bridges, put down your phone, pick up a calming cup of tea or glass of wine, and relax with a cozy book or distracting TV show.
Finally, March comes to a close when the astrologically important planetary body known as Vesta, the “asteroid of spirituality,” moves into sweet Cancer and your 7th House of Partnership on Sunday, March 31. This asteroid is especially known for its effects on sensuality. As a result, this transit sees you having sex so good that you see god (or connect with your partner on a deep emotional level). And, if you’re not dating, asexual, or stepping back from sex at the moment, this is an ideal time to connect with yourself through long baths, epic massages, or whatever helps you get in touch with your body and soul. Enjoy, and we’ll see you in April.
Important dates in March 2024:
Saturday, March 9: Mercury enters Aries
Sunday, March 10: New moon in Pisces
Monday, March 11: Venus enters Pisces
Tuesday, March 19: Sun enters Aries
Friday, March 22: Mars enters Pisces
Monday, March 25: Full moon and lunar eclipse in Libra
Friday, March 29: Pallas goes retrograde in Sagittarius
Sunday, March 31: Vesta enters Cancer
To see monthly predictions for another zodiac sign, check out our full list of March 2024 horoscopes.