A Chevy dealership in upstate New York has a horrible used car for sale; a 2011 Ford Focus, and boy, is it in bad shape. It is likely one of, if not the worst, used car I’ve ever seen for sale through a dealership.
I’m not talking about the price — although at just a hair under $6,000, I’m sure it’s too much—it’s the condition of the car that’s the issue. The Focus is currently for sale at Spurr Chevrolet in Brockport, New York.

This particular Focus is rough. My Californian mind reeled in horror when I saw the results of what a few winters with road salt can do. The rust runs along the entire lower part of the drivers side, a patch on the rear bumper and on the lower part of the body on the passenger side. I can only imagine what the underbody looks like.

The interior isn’t great but doesn’t look as bad as the outside. As long as you don’t look close. There’s leather seats but the driver’s side has a tear in it. The carpet looks like it hasn’t been cleaned in years, if ever. It just all looks like it could use a wipe down from a Clorox cleaning wipe. And then some Armor All.
A three-owner car, the Focus has just under 138,000 miles on it and surprisingly has no accidents or any other issues. I called and spoke with the dealer about it and was told that the rusted bodywork wouldn’t be repaired; it’s being sold as is. Jokingly (but also serious) I asked if this thing was found somewhere and listed for sale and was told that it came in on trade. The dealer told me that it’s mechanically sound and that if it weren’t it would have gone straight to auction. So it does run. You’ll just have to part with $5,989 if you want a dicey chance to own this thing. Just make sure you keep an eye out on that rust.