Where can I hire a game developer to make my game?

The gaming industry has grown rapidly over the past years, one of the reasons for this COVID-19. This contributes to the growing demand for professional developers. Game companies make a lot of effort to find a qualified engineer, designer, because there is serious competition. We will talk about how to develop games, what you need to know before hiring a team. See also the information here: https://kevurugames.com/game-art/concept-art/.

What you need to know about the development process before looking for specialists?

First, the idea of ​​the game is invented, then the production is carried out, the form is given. The final stage is bug fixing and product launch.

To understand the scale of the project, you need to understand the stages, determine the genre and then select professionals.

Preparation for production

This is a responsible process that is neglected by many. This is where the foundation for future work is laid. The more detailed the project, the less problems there will be in the future.

We draw up a budget for the game in order to estimate how much money you can spend on development, what functions you will allow in the game so that there is enough money, and in the end make a profit.

We select a gaming platform for which you will make a product.

The game genre affects the amount of work in the future, how many people will work in a team depends on the size of the budget.

Gameplay planning is required to determine the interactions between users and the game world.

Development of the plot, characters and mechanics. Simple games do not require a lot of detail, but keep in mind that if you want to develop the game in the future, you need to provide for a variety of content within the product.

Monetization is how you think to make money on a project, whether you want to sell it, make purchases or place ads.

Then you design the game, describe, develop elements, storyline. Create a prototype and test it, it will be without design, but it will give an opportunity to see errors. You cannot launch a project without preliminary testing.


This is the most active and longest phase. Follow the pre-written document to avoid risks.

Development of design, graphics and animation, organization of levels, creation of characters, textures, effects, etc.

Writing code by programmers to support all game functions. You can hire highly specialized specialists or generalists.

Work on sound, creating effects, voice, music.


Before launching the game, you need to test it. Some studios hire several specialists in a given field and divide them into groups with different functions. Some will be able to completely go through to unlock and make sure everything is working correctly.

Post-production work

Once a project is launched, it can be updated and improved to provide better customer service. Sometimes at the testing stage, some errors were missed, the players will indicate such things in the comments, so you can quickly solve them. Get involved in the release of updates, do more chapters and special events.

To develop a mobile game, you need to come up with a good idea and select qualified specialists

You already know what kind of workers the team will need. After creating a clear vision of the project you want to create, you need to select a team that will bring the ideas to life. They have to be passionate about video games and design, which is difficult.

Choose Gaming Technologies Before Hiring Developers

You need to know what technologies you will use when developing your game. This will provide technical expertise. This step will be needed when discussing requirements with an experienced developer. To create, we need specialists with experience in working with game engines, knowledge of programming languages ​​and “familiar with” graphics.

The team consists of different professionals, each of them is a specialist in their field. The number of people is determined by the difficulty of the game. A successful team can consist of 1 to 30 professionals. But there should be a minimum of a programmer and a designer. There are many examples when only one person was able to make a masterpiece. To hire a game designer, write or call the managers of our company.

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