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For Tucker Carlson, the truth is certainly out there when it comes to UFOs. But when it comes to alien life on earth, he doesn’t “really want to know that much more.”
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During a recent interview on The Joe Rogan Experience podcast, Carlson talked at length about extraterrestrial life and Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP). In that conversation, the former Fox News host spoke about a supposedly top-secret dossier that was released by the U.S. government “apparently by accident.”
He also claimed that he has seen proof that aliens are living beneath the earth’s surface.
“There’s a lot of stuff under the water … There’s a ton of evidence that they’re under the ocean and under the ground,” Carlson told Rogan. “They’ve been here for a long time.”
In his discussion with Rogan, Carlson described the entities as “spiritual beings” that are working for good and bad.
“We’re being acted on by spiritual forces at all times … I think some of them are bad … they’re serving a bad force … they’re beyond nature as we understand it,” Carlson said.
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Carlson theorized that there’s been extensive knowledge about aliens on earth for decades, going as far back as the 1930s.
“There are two possible explanations. The first is the one you often hear, which is this is so heavy that if the public were to know about it, it would be just disruptive; it would be too scary. You don’t want to scare people … there’s nothing we can do about it. You also don’t want to suggest that the U.S. military isn’t capable of protecting the country,” he said.
But there was a deeper element to considering extraterrestrial beings coexisting with humanity. “What’s the U.S. government’s relationship with these things? There’s evidence that there’s a relationship and that it’s longstanding and that raises a lot of questions about intent.”
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Noting that people have been hurt and even killed, Carlson said he spoke to Garry Nolan from Stamford University about some of the injuries that have been sustained by U.S. servicemen.
“The point is, people have died. It does raise a lot of questions … Why are you hiding that?” he asked.
In a new chat with the Shawn Ryan Show, Carlson revisited the topic as he went into the further detail saying that he’s “stopped gathering information” on aliens.
“I’m satisfied that I know enough; I don’t really want to know that much more,” he said. “I’ve stopped being curious about this because I don’t want to know anymore.”
Pressed by Ryan, Carlson said he’s a Christian. “But one thing you noticed about all world religions … there are commonalities. Jesus is unique and I believe in Jesus. I don’t think all (religions are) equal. I think mine is correct, but there are commonalities that are very striking between all world religions and all creation myths. One of them is the belief that supernatural beings take physical form. They all believe that … They’re not just shadows floating around.”
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He continued, “If every culture in the world, that we know about, who’s left any kind of written or physical record is reaching the same conclusions about something, maybe there’s something there? Maybe it’s not so crazy to think that what everyone else has always thought since the beginning of time.”
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Carlson went on to add that it’s only since 1945, when America dropped the bomb on Hiroshima, that people have come to think differently about religion.
“From then until now, it’s just a spec of time in the continuum of history for that one period we’ve assumed that (religion is not) true, but everyone else has assumed that it is true,” Carlson said. “I’m going with everyone else on that.”
Carlson said he drew his conclusions after talking to people in government.
“I was really shocked by what credible people told me,” he recalled. “I became completely satisfied that they were not lying.”
Last winter, Carlson said that the classified UFO information he had been briefed on would have far-reaching consequences across the planet if it was ever released.
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“The more you dig into that and talk to people with actual knowledge. Again, this is another story where there are some fanciful ideas floating around but there just isn’t any evidence that they’re true. But if you talk to people who have actual knowledge of it that they gathered themselves, there are parts of that story that I do not understand at all that are really, really, really dark … That story bothers me,” Carlson said during a appearance on the Redacted podcast with hosts Clayton and Natali Morris.
Carlson’s comments came after retired Maj. David Grusch alleged in front of Congress last summer that the U.S. is concealing a longstanding program that retrieves and reverse engineers unidentified flying objects.
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“I was informed in the course of my official duties of a multi-decade UAP crash retrieval and reverse engineering program to which I was denied access,” he said (per the Associated Press).
Asked whether the U.S. government had information about extraterrestrial life, Grusch said the U.S. likely has been aware of “non-human” activity since the 1930s.
In his appearance on Redacted, Carlson hinted that the information that he’s been privy too is “so dark,” he hasn’t shared it with his wife.
“I haven’t verified any of this, but this is not just stuff I read on the Internet,” the pundit said. “But there is some stuff there, like, man, I’m not even sure I know what that means. There’s a spiritual component there that I don’t fully understand. So yes, that story bothers me.”
But a Pentagon report on unidentified flying objects released in March said that U.S. government investigations since the end of the Second World War have found no evidence of alien technology and concluded that most sightings were simply misidentified everyday phenomena.
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