3 tips for cutting costs as a wedding guest

3 tips for cutting costs as a wedding guest

More than half, 56%, of Americans would decline a wedding invitation from a close friend or family member if they felt they couldn’t afford it, according to a recent Bank of America survey. And it appears that the older a person is, the more comfortable they are saying “no.” Gen Z and millennials are less … Read more

Single wedding guests spend $273 more than couples, study shows

Single wedding guests spend 3 more than couples, study shows

Dana Saydak estimates she’s been to about 40 or 50 weddings. “There was one weekend where I went to two or three,” the 33-year-old tells CNBC Make It. Saydak, who works in tech sales in Chicago, says that since she’s started dating she’s attended about half weddings single and half partnered. “Women being single at … Read more

Are bridesmaids required to buy a wedding gift?

Are bridesmaids required to buy a wedding gift?

At age 31, I’m perhaps blessed that I’ve only have been asked to be in two weddings. Not because I don’t think weddings are fun (they are!) but because the cost associated with being in a bridal party is cripplingly high. By the time the actual nuptials roll around, I’ve run a marathon of festivities … Read more