Two-ingredient drops made at home cut colds by two days, science says

Two-ingredient drops made at home cut colds by two days, science says

Giving young children saline nasal drops cuts the duration of colds by two days, researchers have suggested. A new study found that drops made up of a concentration of salt could also cut the chance of passing on colds to family members. The research, which has not yet been published in an academic journal, was … Read more

True secret to happiness – and it’s not your health or love life

True secret to happiness – and it’s not your health or love life

What is the key to happiness? It’s a question that has plagued mankind for centuries. Some might say it’s all about having money, while others believe it’s more to do with finding your soulmate. But now, we may have finally cracked the code. Experts suggest they’ve found one of the most important factors to help you … Read more