Leaked U.S. Memos Say Israel May Be Violating International Law In Blocking Gaza Aid

Leaked U.S. Memos Say Israel May Be Violating International Law In Blocking Gaza Aid

Leaked internal memos from both the State Department and the U.S. agency tasked with providing civilian foreign aid reportedly warn that Israel is breaching a White House directive by continuing to block U.S. aid into Gaza ― a violation that legally requires President Joe Biden to suspend military assistance to the country whose offensive in … Read more

The Biden Administration Is Investigating Israel’s Possible War Crimes — Despite Public Claims To The Contrary

The Biden Administration Is Investigating Israel’s Possible War Crimes — Despite Public Claims To The Contrary

A month ago, White House spokesperson John Kirby declared Washington was so confident in Israel’s U.S.-backed offensive in Gaza that the U.S. did not need to investigate its actions. “I’m not aware of any kind of formal assessment being done by the United States government to analyze the compliance with international law by our partner … Read more