The UK city ‘so unhealthy’ one in every four locals are addicted to fizzy drinks

The UK city ‘so unhealthy’ one in every four locals are addicted to fizzy drinks

Our health and wellbeing is influenced by a huge range of factors. Some of these are beyond our control, such as our genetics and certain illnesses we experience. However, our lifestyle habits play a huge role. And among these, diet is one of the most important. For this reason there are a multitude of foods … Read more

Bristol named ‘worst’ city for cancer surgery – more than 500 surgeries scrapped last year

Bristol named ‘worst’ city for cancer surgery – more than 500 surgeries scrapped last year

In recent years the NHS has been under extreme pressure. Staffing levels, funding and high demand have all been cited as issues affecting the health service since even before the Covid pandemic. But with the additional strain of coronavirus, as well as strikes, hospitals across the UK have reached breaking point. Already in 2024, three … Read more