Haley Tells Trump To ‘Say It To My Face’ After He Questions Her Military Husband’s Whereabouts

GILBERT, S.C. (AP) — Former President Donald Trump on Saturday questioned why Nikki Haley’s husband wasn’t on the campaign trail, drawing sharp responses from both the former U.N. ambassador and her husband, who is currently abroad on a National Guard mission. “What happened to her husband?” Trump told a crowd in Conway, South Carolina, as … Read more

Can Trump be stopped? What to know before the New Hampshire primary – National

Donald Trump’s effort to march to the Republican presidential nomination faces perhaps its greatest challenge on Tuesday when voters in New Hampshire hold the first-in-the-nation primary. The former president enters the contest emboldened by his record-setting performance in last week’s Iowa caucuses. But New Hampshire has a more moderate political tradition and primary rules that allow unaffiliated voters … Read more