South Sudan May See the First Permanent Mass Displacement Due to Climate Change

South Sudan May See the First Permanent Mass Displacement Due to Climate Change

THIS ARTICLE IS republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Enormous floods have once again engulfed much of South Sudan, as record water levels in Lake Victoria flow downstream through the Nile. More than 700,000 people have been affected. Hundreds of thousands of people there were already forced from their homes by huge … Read more

Why Polio Has Reemerged in Gaza

Why Polio Has Reemerged in Gaza

Why are most cases of polio vaccine-derived variants? Most cases of paralytic polio are now vaccine-derived due to the success of the Global Polio Eradication Initiative. OPV has been instrumental in the near-eradication of wild polioviruses around the world. However, in areas where vaccination rates drop and enough people are susceptible to infection, the weakened … Read more

A Rare Coincidence of La Niña Events Will Weaken Hurricane Season

A Rare Coincidence of La Niña Events Will Weaken Hurricane Season

While much weaker than their Pacific counterpart, Atlantic Niñas can, however, partially counteract La Niñas by weakening summer winds that help drive the upwelling that cools the eastern Pacific. Why Are Both Happening Now? In July and August 2024, meteorologists noted cooling that appeared to be the development of an Atlantic Niña along the equator. … Read more