Hungary Danube waters reach decade high after Storm Boris

Hungary Danube waters reach decade high after Storm Boris

Danube waters have reached the steps of the parliament building in Budapest. The Danube peaked at a 10-year high in a heavily fortified Budapest on Saturday with the water reaching the steps of parliament, after deadly Storm Boris lashed Europe. Torrential rains and strong winds have led to widespread flooding in central and eastern Europe … Read more

S.Africa snowfall closes roads, strands motorists overnight

S.Africa snowfall closes roads, strands motorists overnight

More snow was expected with orange warnings in place for several parts of the country. Unusually heavy snowfall caused major disruption on South Africa’s roads Saturday with people still stranded at midday after spending the night stuck in their vehicles. The key N3 highway linking Johannesburg and the east coast city of Durban was one … Read more

US city of Flint still reeling from water crisis, 10 years on

US city of Flint still reeling from water crisis, 10 years on

The water tower in the city of Flint, Michigan, where the 2014 water crisis lingers. Turning her faucet on one day in 2014, Chanel McGee watched in disgust as a brownish trickle poured out. Today, a strong musty smell lingers. Residents of the American city of Flint are still suffering the consequences of a historic … Read more

New tool to help decision makers navigate possible futures of the Colorado River

New tool to help decision makers navigate possible futures of the Colorado River

Water flowing on the Colorado River near Moab, Utah. Credit: United States Geological Survey The Colorado River is a vital source of water in the Western United States, providing drinking water for homes and irrigation for farms in seven states, but the basin is under increasing pressure from climate change and drought. A new computational … Read more

New biosensor illuminates physiological signals in living animals

New biosensor illuminates physiological signals in living animals

Credit: Howard Hughes Medical Institute Eric Schreiter and Luke Lavis thought they had figured it out. In 2021, the Janelia group leaders reported that they had developed a way to combine Schreiter’s engineered protein biosensors and Lavis’s bright, fluorescent Janelia Fluor dyes. These sensors, which could track different physiological signals and brightly illuminate them in … Read more

Better than blood tests? Nanoparticle potential found for assessing kidneys

Better than blood tests? Nanoparticle potential found for assessing kidneys

University of Texas at Dallas researchers are studying how the movement and elimination of nanoparticles through the kidney are affected by kidney damage. The recently found that X-rays of the kidneys using gold nanoparticles as a contrast agent might be more accurate in detecting kidney disease than standard laboratory blood tests. Credit: University of Texas … Read more

Even the heaviest particles experience the usual quantum weirdness, new experiment shows

Even the heaviest particles experience the usual quantum weirdness, new experiment shows

The ATLAS detector under construction. Credit: CERN One of the most surprising predictions of physics is entanglement, a phenomenon where objects can be some distance apart but still linked together. The best-known examples of entanglement involve tiny chunks of light (photons), and low energies. At the Large Hadron Collider in Geneva, the world’s largest particle … Read more

How a doubling of sentence lengths helped pack England’s prisons to the rafters

How a doubling of sentence lengths helped pack England’s prisons to the rafters

Credit: Suzy Hazelwood from Pexels Around 1,750 prisoners in England and Wales were recently released early, the first part of the government’s plan to solve the prison overcrowding crisis. Politicians, legal professionals and academics all agree that prisons are drastically overcrowded, leading to dangerous and poor conditions. But there has been surprisingly little discussion of … Read more

‘Pirate birds’ force other seabirds to regurgitate fish meals. Their thieving ways could spread lethal avian flu

‘Pirate birds’ force other seabirds to regurgitate fish meals. Their thieving ways could spread lethal avian flu

It’s not easy finding food at sea. Seabirds often stay aloft, scanning the churning waters for elusive prey. Most seabirds take fish, squid, or other prey from the first few meters of seawater. Scavenging is common. But there are other tactics. Frigatebirds, skuas, and gulls rely on the success of other seabirds. These large, strong … Read more

New method developed to relocate misplaced proteins in cells

New method developed to relocate misplaced proteins in cells

Cells before and after TRAMs were introduced. TRAMs link a shuttle protein (red), and a target protein (green). Without the TRAM, the target protein resides in the nucleus (left), and upon TRAM treatment, the target protein is pulled into the cytoplasm by the shuttle protein (right). Credit: Steven Banik and Christine Ng Cells are highly … Read more