‘I’m a doctor – never eat these foods before bed if you want to sleep well’

‘I’m a doctor – never eat these foods before bed if you want to sleep well’

According to the NHS, around one in three of us will experience sleeping difficulties at some point in our lives. Adults need between seven and nine hours of sleep every night and without it we can be left tired, irritable and unable to concentrate. In extreme cases it can start to impact our health, with … Read more

Eating in bed can attract unwanted guests and lead to health risks

Eating in bed can attract unwanted guests and lead to health risks

Eating in bed may seem like a harmless indulgence, but one sleep expert has issued a stark warning against this habit, citing three key reasons why it should be avoided. Research reveals that one in seven people in the UK enjoy their takeaways in bed. However, sleep experts at MattressNextDay have now warned that this … Read more

The exact bedroom temperature you need for a good sleep

The exact bedroom temperature you need for a good sleep

Struggling to catch those Zs? It might be down to the temperature of your bedroom. Sleep experts have disclosed the optimal bedroom temperature for a night of undisturbed slumber and it’s all about aiding your body’s natural thermoregulation process. Vortex Air’s sleep specialists have let slip the secret to the perfect bedroom climate for nodding … Read more

Experts share disgusting reason to stop your morning shower

Experts share disgusting reason to stop your morning shower

The debate of whether to shower at night or in the morning has been answered by a leading mattress expert who has shed light on this common dilemma – and they’ve revealed that one of these bathing habits could contribute to spreading harmful E. Coli bacteria. Earlier surveys show that nearly 42 percent of people … Read more

Expert reveals smelly bedtime hack that will ‘transform’ your sleep

Expert reveals smelly bedtime hack that will ‘transform’ your sleep

Sleep is crucial to our health and wellbeing. According to the NHS, the average adult needs between seven and nine hours a night to function properly. But this can be easier said than done with around one in three of us struggling with sleep problems at least once in our lives. Therefore, many of us … Read more

Sleep expert describes 10 red flag symptoms that hit as soon as you wake up

Sleep expert describes 10 red flag symptoms that hit as soon as you wake up

A sleep expert has warned of 10 tell-tale symptoms you experience when you wake up with a ‘hay-fever hangover’. Max Kirsten, sleep expert for Panda London, coined the term to describe the lingering effect of allergic rhinitis, more commonly known as hay fever, on sleep quality and your ability to function the next day. Speaking … Read more