Warning persistent headaches could be caused by your bed

Warning persistent headaches could be caused by your bed

Headaches are common and can stem from multiple causes, but one expert is highlighting a less obvious culprit that might be affecting many people in the UK: their mattress. Everyone wants a perfect night’s rest, and while preferences vary, Rebecca Swain, a luxury mattress specialist from WinstonsBed.com, suggests that sticking with an old favourite could do … Read more

‘I’m a sleep expert – this is what it means if you wake up before your alarm’

‘I’m a sleep expert – this is what it means if you wake up before your alarm’

Sometimes, your alarm is the only thing that can get you out of bed on time. Other times, you may find that you are waking up a few minutes before it goes off. If you have been eyeing the phone screen before it’s time to officially start the day, a sleep expert has shared what … Read more

Strict bedtimes and family routines may boost children’s brain development

Strict bedtimes and family routines may boost children’s brain development

A strict bedtime, family dinners and set playtime may boost children’s brain development and emotional resilience – particularly for those from disadvantaged backgrounds, research suggests. Sleep is known to be vital for growing brains and youngsters with regular routines typically spend more time asleep. Not getting enough shut-eye can drive changes in brain structure during their formative … Read more