Drivers warned disorders that could see them fined up to £1,000

Drivers warned disorders that could see them fined up to £1,000

Drivers with certain health conditions could face hefty fines if they fail to inform the DVLA about their condition. It’s well known that vision problems can impact driving and must be reported to the DVLA. However, there are other health conditions that can also affect a person’s ability to drive safely, and failing to notify … Read more

DWP benefit claimants with common condition could see payout rise

DWP benefit claimants with common condition could see payout rise

People suffering from a common health condition could be eligible for a monthly payment of £737 from the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP). Snoring, often dismissed as a minor annoyance, can sometimes escalate into a more serious condition known as sleep apnoea, which can significantly impact your quality of life. Those diagnosed with this … Read more