Eating common food linked to increased diabetes risk by scientists

Eating common food linked to increased diabetes risk by scientists

If you love meat, you may want to look away now. Scientists at Harvard University have issued a stark warning about red meat, urging the public to slash their intake following the release of a new study. The team of US experts analysed data from more than 200,000 participants across 36 years to uncover what … Read more

How many calories pregnancy actually burns – some ‘aren’t surprised’

How many calories pregnancy actually burns – some ‘aren’t surprised’

New research has left people shocked at the number of calories pregnancy burns. Biologists from Monash University in Melbourne have discovered human pregnancy requires an astonishing 49,753 dietary calories. That’s the same as 104 McDonald’s Happy Meals or 218 Mars bars. “Most of (the) energy that mammals put into reproduction is ‘boiled off’ as metabolic … Read more

Experiencing common emotion could raise heart attack risk – study

Experiencing common emotion could raise heart attack risk – study

Brief surges in anger could raise people’s risk of suffering a heart attack, new research suggests. In new findings published on Wednesday, scientists found that humans’ flashes of fury can temporarily damage blood vessels’ ability to dilate properly, which is thought to to be critical in preventing arteries from hardening. The research, published in the Journal … Read more