What causes kidney stones and do I need surgery? Our GP explains

What causes kidney stones and do I need surgery? Our GP explains

A reader asks: I’ve had several urinary infections recently. The last one was quite severe, with pain in my kidney. Though it cleared up with antibiotics, the scan my doctor arranged has shown I have a small stone in my kidney. I’m waiting now to see a specialist, but am wondering why it developed and … Read more

What has caused my rash? Our expert GP Dr Rosemary Leonard explains

What has caused my rash? Our expert GP Dr Rosemary Leonard explains

A reader asks: About four weeks ago a rash appeared on my chest with flat brown mole-like spots. Some of these have also appeared under my breast but without the rash. I’ve been applying E45 and calamine lotion. Online photos of seborrheic keratosis appear to be identical to my problem, but does it come on … Read more

Is taking statins making my diabetes worse? Dr Rosemary Leonard reveals answer

Is taking statins making my diabetes worse? Dr Rosemary Leonard reveals answer

A reader asks: I was diagnosed with type-2 diabetes a couple of years ago and, up until recently, was managing my blood sugar level by being careful with my diet. The routine blood tests I had done last autumn showed that my cholesterol level was a bit high, so my doctor prescribed me atorvastatin. I … Read more

Ask Dr Rosemary Leonard: ‘Why doesn’t my inhaler help my emphysema?

Ask Dr Rosemary Leonard: ‘Why doesn’t my inhaler help my emphysema?

A reader asks: I was diagnosed with emphysema a few years ago. I understood it was caused by smoking, which I’d done since being a teenager. I managed to give up in the pandemic, but I still frequently have coughing bouts and get really short of breath, especially doing any exercise and even climbing stairs. … Read more

Why does my diabetes check up include a urine test? GP reveals all

Why does my diabetes check up include a urine test? GP reveals all

A reader asks: I was diagnosed with diabetes a couple of years ago, and understand I need to have an annual blood test to check my sugar levels. Recently I’ve been asked to provide a urine sample, but I don’t understand what this is for. I thought checking urine for sugar wasn’t done any more? … Read more

Ask Dr Rosemary Leonard: ‘Is it unhealthy to have mice in my kitchen?’

Ask Dr Rosemary Leonard: ‘Is it unhealthy to have mice in my kitchen?’

A reader asks: I sometimes notice a mouse in my kitchen. The traps I bought seem to have not caught anything and though friends have suggested I get a cat, I can’t as I’m allergic to them. Mice don’t frighten me and I’m not particularly bothered by my little visitor, but should I be? Are … Read more

‘Am I allergic to my own sweat?’ GP Dr Rosemary Leonard answers

‘Am I allergic to my own sweat?’ GP Dr Rosemary Leonard answers

A reader asks: I have recently had several episodes where my skin has come out in large itchy red blotches, like hives. I’ve realised it happens after I have been playing hockey and become hot and sweaty. The last time this happened I felt a bit faint as well. Could I be allergic to my … Read more

Ask Dr Rosemary Leonard: Why won’t GP monitor my skin cancer?

Ask Dr Rosemary Leonard: Why won’t GP monitor my skin cancer?

A reader asks: About six months ago, I found a small, slightly raised red spot on the edge of my ear. My GP removed it using a cauterising laser beam and the lab report showed it was squamous cell cancer. My GP said margin assessment was not possible due to the cauterisation but because the … Read more