Bank of India raises Rs 5,000 crore via infra bonds

Bank of India raises Rs 5,000 crore via infra bonds

Bank of India has raised ₹5,000 crore through the issuance of infrastructure bonds, with the state-owned lender receiving bids far in excess of the notified amount for the debt sale. On Thursday, Bank of India sold 10-year infrastructure bonds for a total of ₹5,000 crore at a rate of interest of 7.54%, the lender informed … Read more

Will new RBI’s guidelines make them Universal and get re-rated ? 4 small finance banks with upside potential of up to 24%

Will new RBI’s guidelines make them Universal and get re-rated ? 4 small finance banks with upside potential of up to 24%

Synopsis While they have been in work for quite some time, yesterday, RBI released the guidelines for small finance banks to turn themselves into universal banks. While most of the guidelines are not something these banks cannot follow, but one where some of them would face issues but only for short term would be the … Read more