Why string theory requires extra dimensions

Why string theory requires extra dimensions

Superstrings may exist in 11 dimensions at once. Credit: National Institute of Technology Tiruchirappalli String theory found its origins in an attempt to understand the nascent experiments revealing the strong nuclear force. Eventually another theory, one based on particles called quarks and force carriers called gluons, would supplant it, but in the deep mathematical bones … Read more

Australia’s ‘carbon budget’ assessment reveals astonishing boom and bust cycles

Australia’s ‘carbon budget’ assessment reveals astonishing boom and bust cycles

by Yohanna Villalobos, Benjamin Smith, Pep Canadell and Peter Briggs, The Conversation Australia’s Carbon Budget 2010-2019. A product of the National Environmental Science Program – Climate Systems Hub; and a contribution to the Global Carbon Project – Regional Carbon Cycle Assessment and Processes-2. Credit: NESP-2 If you really want to know how much Australia contributes … Read more

An Injection of Chaos Solves a Decades-Old Fluid Mystery

Fluids can be roughly divided into two categories: regular ones and weird ones. Regular ones, like water and alcohol, act more or less as expected when pumped through pipes or stirred with a spoon. Lurking among the weird ones—which include substances such as paint, honey, mucus, blood, ketchup, and oobleck—are a vast variety of behavioral … Read more