New strategy for high-performance cathodes in aqueous zinc ion batteries

The electrochemically induced phase transformation behaviors of the V6O13 cathode. Credit: Mo Li’e A new strategy was proposed in the field of aqueous zinc-ion battery to help increase the capacity of the cathodes, making them more efficient, according to a recent study published in ACS Nano. “We converted low-valence vanadium into high-valence vanadium in oxides … Read more

Why some people don’t trust science—and how to change their minds

Credit: NASA During the pandemic, a third of people in the UK reported that their trust in science had increased, we recently discovered. But 7% said that it had decreased. Why is there such variety of responses? For many years, it was thought that the main reason some people rejected science was a simple deficit … Read more

Unraveling the evolutionary origins of umami and sweet taste preferences

A new study led by researchers from Kindai University identified five new groups of umami and sweet taste receptors within the TAS1R family (TAS1R 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8) and also diversity in TAS1R2 and TAS1R3 genes. Credit: Hidenori Nishihara from Kindai University The perception of taste is one of the most important senses … Read more

Novel food regulations are a barrier for edible insects

Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain Edible insects could be the key to a more sustainable food system, yet food regulations could be restricting alternative environmentally friendly sources of protein for consumers, a new report has found. The report from the UK Edible Insect Association (UKEIA), produced with support from the University of Sheffield’s Institute for Sustainable … Read more

Curiosity captures a martian day, from dawn to dusk

Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain When NASA’s Curiosity Mars rover isn’t on the move, it works pretty well as a sundial, as seen in two black-and-white videos recorded on Nov. 8, the 4,002nd Martian day, or sol, of the mission. The rover captured its own shadow shifting across the surface of Mars using its black-and-white Hazard-Avoidance … Read more

Geometric origin of intrinsic dark counts in superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors

To probe the spatial information of dark counts, we introduced the differential readout method, which utilizes two identical readout channels for tracing the output signals produced by the same dark count event. Two bias-tees (Mini-Circuits, ZX86-12G-S + ) were applied to separate the bias current and output signals. The signals from the two different terminals … Read more

Novel electrification strategy enhances low-temperature NOx removal

The procedure of electrified NOx storage–reduction. Credit: NIMTE Prof. Zhang Jian’s group from the Ningbo Institute of Materials Technology and Engineering of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, cooperating with Prof. Zhang Zhaoliang’s group from University of Jinan, has developed a novel electrification strategy to improve NOx pollutant removal performance at low temperatures. The study was … Read more

Study of Mongolian Arc adds to mystery surrounding its purpose

Drone photo of Khaltaryn Balgas (MA21). Credit: Journal of Field Archaeology (2023). DOI: 10.1080/00934690.2023.2295198 A team of archaeologists at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in Israel, working with a colleague from the National University of Mongolia, has conducted a study of the 405-km wall system in eastern Mongolia known as the Mongolian Arc in order … Read more

JWST sets a new record, sees newly forming stars in the Triangulum galaxy

Galaxy M33 (Triangulum Galaxy) as seen by Hubble Space Telescope. JWST was used recently to observe sites in its southern arm where newly forming stars (YSOs) appear to lie. Our Milky Way bristles with giant molecular clouds birthing stars. Based on what we see here, astronomers assume that the process of star creation also goes … Read more

Enhancing model performance and data efficiency through standardization and centralization

Sample of images from the COCO dataset (row 1) and from assorted agricultural datasets (row 2), showcasing the contrast between the general environment of COCO imagery and the specific environment of agricultural imagery. These images are displayed in their original aspect ratio. Credit: Plant Phenomics (2023). DOI: 10.34133/plantphenomics.0084 Recent advancements in agricultural computer vision have … Read more