Ultra-low-dose ketamine can curb opioid withdrawal

Ultra-low-dose ketamine can curb opioid withdrawal

Drug overdose is the leading cause of injury deaths in young adults in the United States, with fentanyl causing over 70,000 deaths annually. Many people who use fentanyl become trapped in their addiction out of fear and a low tolerance for the withdrawal symptoms, which include muscle cramps, nausea, chills, sweats and intense cravings. They … Read more

Air pollution harms mental health worse in New York’s historically redlined neighborhoods

Ultra-low-dose ketamine can curb opioid withdrawal

Air pollution is bad for mental health. That much is clear. Now, new research shows the impact may be even worse in neighborhoods that were historically redlined. University at Buffalo researchers looked at 17 cities across New York State where longstanding federal housing policies once denied neighborhoods with people of color from receiving mortgages. Although … Read more

Ketamine’s promise for severe depression grows, but major questions remain

Ultra-low-dose ketamine can curb opioid withdrawal

Using an old anesthesia drug to pull people out of the depths of severe depression has gone from fringe idea to widespread use in just a few years. Sparked by promising studies and stories of lives transformed, clinics offering intravenous infusions of ketamine have popped up nationwide. Some also offer a newer, more expensive, nasal … Read more

Therapy versus medication: Comparing treatments for depression in heart disease

Ultra-low-dose ketamine can curb opioid withdrawal

New research by investigators from the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Neurosciences at Cedars-Sinai shows that behavioral activation therapy is as effective as antidepressant medications in treating symptoms of depression in patients with heart failure. Heart failure affects nearly 6 million adults in the United States, and approximately 50% of heart failure patients experience symptoms … Read more