Hot flash drug shows significant, rapid benefits in pivotal clinical trials

Hot flash drug shows significant, rapid benefits in pivotal clinical trials

The investigational drug elinzanetant significantly reduces the frequency and severity of hot flashes associated with menopause while improving women’s quality of life, new UVA Health research published in the Journal of the American Medical Association shows. The nonhormonal drug, containing no estrogen, was tested in two phase 3 trials, Oasis 1 and 2, at dozens … Read more

Body appreciation varies across cultures

Hot flash drug shows significant, rapid benefits in pivotal clinical trials

People from different cultures show both similarities and differences in how body appreciation, sociocultural pressure, and internalization of thin ideals vary, according to a study published July 31, 2024 in the open-access journal PLOS ONE by Louise Hanson from Durham University, UK, and colleagues. Body image is a multifaceted and complex phenomenon encapsulating how we … Read more

Women exposed to toxic metals may experience earlier aging of their ovaries

Hot flash drug shows significant, rapid benefits in pivotal clinical trials

Middle-aged women who are exposed to toxic metals may have fewer eggs in their ovaries as they approach menopause, according to new research published in The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism. Diminished ovarian reserve is when women have fewer eggs compared to others their age. The condition may be linked to health problems such … Read more