Six red flag signs of high cholesterol that can appear in the legs

Six red flag signs of high cholesterol that can appear in the legs

High cholesterol, which is also known as hypercholesterolemia, is a “silent killer” condition that occurs if you have too much of a fatty substance called cholesterol in your blood. While this may not initially cause any issues, over time it can raise your risk for a number of serious health problems – including heart attacks … Read more

Four NHS signs in the leg of deadly blood clot – get help ‘now’

Four NHS signs in the leg of deadly blood clot – get help ‘now’

Blood clotting is an essential function in the body to prevent excessive bleeding when we get injured. However, clots which don’t dissolve by themselves have the potential to become dangerous and life-threatening. This is because they can travel around the body, blocking blood supply to some of the vital organs. For example, one of the … Read more