Researchers propose a new way to identify when babies become conscious

Researchers propose a new way to identify when babies become conscious

Academics are proposing a new and improved way to help researchers discover when consciousness emerges in human infancy. When over the course of development do humans become conscious? When the seventeenth-century French philosopher RenĂ© Descartes was asked about infant consciousness by his critics, he eventually suggested that infants might have thoughts, albeit ones that are … Read more

Lockdowns had an impact on gut microbes and allergies in newborns, new research reveals

Researchers propose a new way to identify when babies become conscious

Lockdowns imposed during the COVID-19 pandemic had an impact on the gut microbiome development of babies born during these periods according to new research from RCSI University of Medicine and Health Sciences, Children’s Health Ireland and APC Microbiome Ireland (APC), a world leading SFI Research Centre, based in University College Cork. Our gut microbiome, an … Read more

Significantly fewer births on weekends and holidays than weekdays, data analysis of over 21 million births from 1979-2018 in Japan shows

Researchers propose a new way to identify when babies become conscious

Significantly more babies were born on a weekday instead of weekend day or holiday, reveals a large-scale analysis of 21 million births in Japan over almost four decades published February 14, 2024 in the open-access journal PLOS ONE by Miho Sassa from the University of Tokyo, Japan, and colleagues. Medical resources are generally stretched during … Read more

Patterns of brain connectivity differ between pre-term and term babies

Researchers propose a new way to identify when babies become conscious

A new King’s College London scanning study of 390 babies has shown distinct patterns between term and pre-term babies in the moment-to-moment activity and connectivity of brain networks. Supported by Wellcome and the National institute of Health and Care Research (NIHR) Maudsley Biomedical Research Centre, this is the first study to analyse how the communication … Read more