Women warned two common health issues could cause facial hair

Women warned two common health issues could cause facial hair

Many women experience hair growth on their chin and upper lip, and if it is dark, thick, and coarse, it can be a source of embarrassment, leading many to pluck these hairs frequently and feeling self-concious. But what causes excess facial hair in women? Excess facial hair in women can have several causes. One of … Read more

Expert blames huge ‘crime’ for more women getting dementia than men

Expert blames huge ‘crime’ for more women getting dementia than men

A brain health expert has expressed outrage over the stigma surrounding certain medical treatments for menopause, suggesting it could be influencing the number of women suffering from dementia. Max Lugavere, a diet and brain health expert, recently ventured into filmmaking with his new documentary, Little Empty Boxes, which chronicles his mother’s heart-wrenching battle with dementia. … Read more