Doctor warns red flag sign of diabetes can appear in your hair

A doctor has revealed a lesser-known sign of diabetes that appears in your hair. Diabetes is characterised by the body’s inability to produce enough insulin or react to it efficiently. This causes high levels of sugars in your blood, as the insulin impairment means that sugars are not transported from the bloodstream into your cells. … Read more

Diabetes red flag sign that shows you could be headed towards the condition

Diabetes isn’t always easy to detect. According to the NHS, symptoms of the blood sugar condition often tend to be general, or reluctant to rear their ugly heads, leaving many patients in the dark. Despite this, an expert has outlined a red flag sign on your skin that could mean you’re headed towards the condition. … Read more

Three early signs of diabetes dentist notices in patients’ mouths

The eyes are often described as the windows to our health. But what about our mouths? Dr Vivian Roknian, a dentist from Beverly Hills, California, has revealed that your dentist knows a lot just by looking inside your mouth. One of the health problems that might become obvious in this area of the body is … Read more

Diabetes: Doctor shares six signs in the feet linked to condition

Diabetes describes a condition that causes a person’s blood sugar levels to become dangerously high. What’s worse, early symptoms are often reluctant to rear their ugly heads, leaving many people in the dark. In some cases, untreated diabetes can progress to diabetic neuropathy and trigger six warning signs. Fortunately, a doctor has revealed what to … Read more