‘My undiagnosed ADHD almost made me turn down cancer treatment’

‘My undiagnosed ADHD almost made me turn down cancer treatment’

Rachel Evans’ reaction to being diagnosed with cancer in 2022 was not, she admits, what most people would expect. “I was elated,” says Rachel, 46, from South Gloucestershire. “I’d been experiencing symptoms for a long time and finally had an answer.” But while the ensuing six months of chemotherapy proved to be life-saving, they were … Read more

Woman ignored these cancer symptoms for a year and was hit with devastating diagnosis

Woman ignored these cancer symptoms for a year and was hit with devastating diagnosis

A young woman has revealed the key signs of a deadly disease she ignored for a year before getting a devastating diagnosis. Izzy Fletcher discovered she had a type of blood cancer known as Hodgkin lymphoma just three months after graduating university. The now 24-year-old shared her symptoms via social media platform TikTok in the … Read more