As ‘Sex and the City’ Finds New Fans, Is Carrie Bradshaw Finally Being Redeemed?

As ‘Sex and the City’ Finds New Fans, Is Carrie Bradshaw Finally Being Redeemed?

Carrie Bradshaw—every millennial’s beloved New York stalagmite—is reaching new audiences this month, now that Sex and the City has Manolo-clacked its way onto Netflix. (I feel like Lenny Kravitz saw a few eps, because working out in sunglasses, a mesh top, and leather pants is exceptionally Carrie-coded.) And on Friday, renowned driver’s license-holder Olivia Rodrigo … Read more

Why Do Environmental Stunts Irk Us So Much?

Why Do Environmental Stunts Irk Us So Much?

I’m sitting at my desk, watching footage of two people throwing soup at the Mona Lisa, and I don’t really know how to feel. On Sunday at the Louvre, environmental protesters from the group Riposte Alimentaire targeted the world’s most famous painted smile—an attempted Heinz-a Lisa—in order to highlight France’s groaning agricultural system and its citizens’ … Read more

I’m Over Wellness. Long Live the January Burger

I’m Over Wellness. Long Live the January Burger

Hello, hungry, how is this incredibly un-jolly month treating you?  January is always inexorably attached to the idea of rebalancing, of equilibrium-ing our disparate parts, of reconnecting our connective tissues. I appreciate many of us are looking inward at spiritual change, working through the levels of an app in search of psychological catharsis, a few … Read more