Health: How you eat morning food staple could be impacting your health, warns expert

Health: How you eat morning food staple could be impacting your health, warns expert

Eggs – many people start their days with this breakfast staple – but a nutritionist has warned that the way they are cooked could be negatively impacting your health. From forming the base of an omelette to being a ingredient in a pancake, there’s a plethora of delightful options to devour these protein-rich, nutrient-packed little … Read more

The simple diet change you can make that drastically cuts your heart attack risk

The simple diet change you can make that drastically cuts your heart attack risk

Researchers found dining after 9pm was associated with a 28% risk of cerebrovascular disease, such as a stroke, compared with having your evening meal before 8pm. Those who eat for the first time at 9am are six per cent more likely to develop cardiovascular disease than someone who has breakfast at 8am, it was said. … Read more