Adelaide toddler with rare genetic condition that makes her ‘ultra-flexible’

An Adelaide toddler with a rare genetic variation has “gobsmacked” health professionals with her flexibility. Xanthie Thea Wooldridge-Wright has a 22q11.2 duplication — a genetic variation present in about one in 4000 births. The variation means a portion of Xanthie’s 22nd chromosome is duplicated. Stream your local 7NEWS free on 7plus It can result in … Read more

Inside the life of an Aussie professional head lice specialist – and a job that earns her $150 an hour

With her hair pulled back in a slick ponytail, 24-year-old Rachel Maroun can’t help but repeat her daily work mantra. “I just keep telling myself: ‘Don’t touch my hair or I will get lice’,” she tells 7Life. WATCH THE VIDEO ABOVE: The Lice Lady removes hundreds of parasites from clients’ hair. Catch the best deals … Read more

Aussie woman who developed sepsis after childbirth welcomes UQ medical breakthrough

Danielle Penman could have lost her life days after giving birth to her baby girl as a deadly sepsis infection overwhelmed her body. Penman had an episiotomy after an induced labour but hours after being stitched up, her pain was excruciating. Surgery hours later found a massive haematoma. Stream the world’s best reality, entertainment and … Read more

Woman needs surgery after Pilates machine malfunctions prompting calls for better regulation

A Melbourne woman is recovering from surgery after a reformer Pilates machine collapsed under her during a class, with even those in the industry now calling for stricter regulation. Philippa Younger began Pilates to help with headaches from shoulder and neck pain that had come from sitting for long hours behind a desk. WATCH THE … Read more

Daughter’s devastating eye cancer diagnosis after Queensland mum’s gut feeling

Mother knows best. For Queensland mum Sian Morley, it was a nagging thought after doctors said, “nothing was wrong” with her daughter Alice. Alice, six, was born with an eye condition called ptosis, which meant her right eye didn’t open as wide as her left. Alice had check-ups with an ophthalmologist every six months from … Read more

Adelaide mum’s quick thinking saves eight-year-old son’s life as she calls for more to learn CPR

An Adelaide mother who saved her son’s life after he had a cardiac arrest is advocating for more people to learn CPR. Nurse Libby Thomas, 34, said her eight-year-old son, Jacob, woke up on January 15 complaining of itchy skin. Thinking it was eczema, Thomas started to apply cream to Jacob’s skin, before the young … Read more

Living with cystic fibrosis: Bradley thought his life was over at 18. He penned his own eulogy. Then, he defied odds

Bradley Dryburgh thought his life was over before it had truly begun. The 27-year-old, from Wollongong, has been living with cystic fibrosis (CF) all his life — having been diagnosed with the lung-damaging genetic illness at just three weeks old. But in his late teens, his health took a terrifying turn. Stream the world’s best … Read more

Family calls for better cancer medicine after losing daughter

Oncology patient Emily Borg was cancer-free when she died aged five. Her immune system had been obliterated by the treatment designed to save her life, so when she caught a rare fungal infection weeks after, her body could not fight it off. The best available anti-fungal was not approved for use in children, and even … Read more

Popular TV host Wendy Williams announces same diagnosis as Bruce Willis

Major TV presenter Wendy Williams has been diagnosed with aphasia and frontotemporal dementia, the same conditions actor Bruce Willis is battling. The 59-year-old presenter’s medical team announced the news following “hurtful rumours about her health”. Williams’ news came one day after her family confirmed she entered a facility to treat cognitive issues. Stream the world’s … Read more

Cairns teenager living with encephalitis hopes to raise awareness of the condition

A Cairns teenager living with encephalitis hopes to raise awareness of the autoimmune disease after doctors initially believed she had a common cold. Makenzie Webber, now 16, became sick after a camping trip to Port Douglas in 2018 when she was 10 years old. Her parents thought she had a cold, but in the weeks … Read more