Ditch two fry-up ingredients to slash heart disease, diabetes and cancer risk, study says

Ditch two fry-up ingredients to slash heart disease, diabetes and cancer risk, study says

In the UK we love a fry-up. The traditional full English is a menu staple in cafes and pubs across the nation. Part of the appeal is its versatility with the open to add or remove whatever items you like from the plate. However, certain components of the full English are typically found in most … Read more

Iceland issues ‘do not eat’ alert over food

Iceland issues ‘do not eat’ alert over food

Iceland has issued an urgent recall message amid serious health risks if someone with an allergy eats a contaminated food product. The frozen food specialist is asking shoppers to return Iceland 4 Golden Savoury Rice Steam Bags because of undeclared allergens. The Food Standards Agency said the store telling people to bring it back for … Read more

New diet trend consisting of just 3 things that could give you scurvy

New diet trend consisting of just 3 things that could give you scurvy

The latest diet trend consisting of just three things could give you scurvy, experts warn. The carnivore diet is sweeping across social media, with almost 95 million videos dedicated to it on TikTok. It consists of eating only meat, butter and eggs and some believe it has cured everything from acne to PCOS. Some even … Read more

Warning over the health risks of drinking warm bottled water

Warning over the health risks of drinking warm bottled water

Sarah Lawson, a food safety expert from Storage Box Shop, explained: “Do not drink bottled water that has been left in the sun or a hot environment, like a car. The heat can cause harmful chemicals to leach from the plastic into the water.” According to Sarah, when bottled water heats up, chemicals from the … Read more

‘I’m a doctor – these are three ways you are peeing wrong and putting your health at risk’

‘I’m a doctor – these are three ways you are peeing wrong and putting your health at risk’

Urination is an essential bodily function needed for eliminating waste products, maintaining fluid balance, and assessing kidney function. The average person urinates between six and seven times in 24 hours, but between four and 10 is still considered healthy. While it might be something we all do regularly, there are some bathroom habits many people … Read more

Millions of Brits could be labelled ‘obese’ under new BMI guidelines

Millions of Brits could be labelled ‘obese’ under new BMI guidelines

Under a proposed revamp of the body-mass-index (BMI) system, millions of Brits could be classified as obese. The World Health Organisation-endorsed system, which measures a person’s weight in relation to their height, is globally used by healthcare professionals to assess an individual’s risk of developing health conditions due to excess body fat. Currently, a healthy … Read more

Four health risks from sleeping with a fan on – expert’s warning

Four health risks from sleeping with a fan on – expert’s warning

As the weather warms up in the UK it can be difficult for many of us to adapt to the rising temperatures. This can affect us most at night, as we struggle to get sleep well in the heat. Unlike in some other countries around the world, most homes in the UK are not designed … Read more

Scientists issue warning over fake meat packed with ‘more salt than McDonald’s’

Scientists issue warning over fake meat packed with ‘more salt than McDonald’s’

This article contains affiliate links, we will receive a commission on any sales we generate from it. Learn more Plant-based burgers could contain more salt and saturated fat than their meat counterparts (Image: Getty Images) In recent years more and more of us are looking at alternatives to meat. According to the Vegetarian Society, around … Read more

Warning over three hidden dangers of popular drink used for weight loss

Warning over three hidden dangers of popular drink used for weight loss

Weight loss is a common goal for many people, with a multi-billion pound industry built around it. While the consensus from health bodies is that we need to stick to a healthy, balanced diet and exercise regularly to stay a healthy weight there are several “quick-fix” hacks about that claim to help you shed the … Read more