AT-1 Bonds: Fund houses to ask Sebi to cut maturity time for AT-1 bonds

AT-1 Bonds: Fund houses to ask Sebi to cut maturity time for AT-1 bonds

Mumbai: Mutual funds plan to request the Securities and Exchange Board of India to relax maturity norms for additional tier-1 bonds to encourage fund houses to invest in these relatively high-yielding debt instruments that banks issue to shore up equity capital. “The Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) has provided some leeway when it … Read more

fund houses: ‘Concentrated’ AIFs need stricter rules to stop misuse: Fund Houses

fund houses: ‘Concentrated’ AIFs need stricter rules to stop misuse: Fund Houses

Mumbai: Concentrated and inter-connected private equity and venture capital funds (CIFs), where one or a handful of investors call the shots, should be the regulator’s focus in plugging sharp practices, according to views emerging among several fund houses. Such CIF vehicles, they believe, must comply with extra compliance standards to minimise the use of fund … Read more