Signs you could have heart failure as cases expected to rise

Lynn Mackay-Thomas, the chief executive of the BSH, issued a stark warning: “We are facing a tsunami of hospital admissions if we do not systematically find those with heart failure early or at highest risk of developing heart failure.” She emphasised the urgency of the situation: “It’s a ticking time bomb. A national, sustainable and … Read more

‘I’m a doctor – this is when a sore throat could be a sign of cancer’

Cancer is a disease that occurs when abnormal cells grow and divide in an uncontrolled way. It can then spread to surrounding tissues and organs. There are more than 200 types of cancer that can affect the human body, with the symptoms often linked to where in the body the disease is. However, symptoms can … Read more

Tell more men about blood test that can detect prostate cancer, says charity

Outdated NHS guidance is “putting lives at risk” by preventing GPs from raising the option of a blood test for men at highest risk of prostate cancer, a charity has warned. The PSA test measures a protein called prostate-specific antigen – and elevated levels can be a sign of cancer. Men over 50 and those … Read more

Dementia breakthrough as brain scan can predict condition nine years early

Using MRI scans to look for brain patterns linked to Alzheimer’s can predict who will be diagnosed with dementia up to nine years early, a study suggests. A team at Queen Mary University of London developed a first-of-its-kind method, which involves analysing the network of connections in the brain when in “idle mode”. They claimed … Read more

Cancer survivor, 38, urges people to ‘listen to their bodies’ and get help early | UK | News

A cancer survivor whose quick action enabled her to beat the disease hopes her experience will inspire others to listen to their bodies.  Maia Kennedy’s ordeal began when she was on a train in Switzerland just before Christmas last year. She got a phone call from her GP to tell her that tests revealed blood … Read more