‘This warning sign while eating dinner could be a symptom of cancer’

‘This warning sign while eating dinner could be a symptom of cancer’

A doctor has urged people to look out for an unpleasant cancer symptom that can appear while eating. According to gastroenterologist Doctor Joseph Salhab, difficulty swallowing and feeling like food is getting stuck in your throat, is one warning sign of oesophageal cancer. This is one of the “fastest rising” cancers in the US, Dr … Read more

Dysphagia red flag sign of killer cancer that can appear when eating

Dysphagia red flag sign of killer cancer that can appear when eating

Oesophageal cancer is one of more than 200 types of cancer that can affect the human body. In the UK it is the 14th most common form of the disease. However, it is the seventh most deadly, accounting for around 8,000 deaths every year – or 22 a day. Therefore, it is vital that you … Read more