Three things to keep teeth white and healthy ‘forever’

Three things to keep teeth white and healthy ‘forever’

Dr Shaadi Manouchehri, a dentist who regularly shares advice on TikTok, says there are three things she does every day that ‘significantly improves her life and teeth’. The dentist, who has almost a decade of experience under her belt, claims that the simple tasks have helped her achieve healthier and brighter smile. In a recent … Read more

Dentist says ‘one thing’ after every meal makes teeth whiter

Dentist says ‘one thing’ after every meal makes teeth whiter

Dr Shaadi Manouchehri, a London based dentist, has said there’s one thing everyone can do to give themselves ‘whiter teeth, avoid bad breath and reduce their risk of getting cavities’. The simple method she recommends to keep your teeth fresh and clean throughout the day, especially after eating, is to drink water. She urges people … Read more

Dentist explains exact time of day you should use mouthwash

Dentist explains exact time of day you should use mouthwash

Using mouthwash is an impotant step to take every day to keep your teeth and gums healthy. But, a dentist has warned many people are using it in the wrong way. Dr Shaadi Manouchehri, a London-based dental surgeon that has years of experience helping patients with their oral health, says there is a certain point … Read more