Alarming surge: Global crisis of childhood overweight and obesity

Alarming surge: Global crisis of childhood overweight and obesity

Since 1990, the rise in childhood overweight and obesity has surged across every continent, almost doubling in prevalence. While the United States has the highest prevalence, other nations are not far behind. In Southern Europe, including Greece, Italy and Spain, 10 to 15% of children are obese, while Eastern European countries have somewhat lower rates, … Read more

Obese and overweight children at risk of iron deficiency

Alarming surge: Global crisis of childhood overweight and obesity

Children and young people who are overweight or obese are at significantly higher risk of iron deficiency, according to a study by nutritional scientists at the University of Leeds. Researchers from the School of Food Science and Nutrition examined thousands of medical studies from 44 countries involving people under the age of 25 where levels … Read more