investment strategy: Deepak Shenoy hunting for winning stocks in 5 key megatrends

Star PMS fund manager Deepak Shenoy says he is investing in 5 strong megatrends in his Surge India Portfolio – manufacturing, energy independence, consumption, financialization of savings and infra growth. “It’s always difficult to find good companies, but there are enough tailwinds in a surging Indian economy to provide disproportionate growth in a few “maha” … Read more

markets: Markets peak on optimism, not on relative pessimism: Deepak Shenoy

“I think while the markets are going up, the mood seems to be less elevated across the globe. So, I still think there is some place to go. Just speaking, of course, as a portfolio manager you have to be long and therefore very optimistic, so a little bit of biased stance. But I do … Read more