Doctor says chocolate is good for you but only if you eat the right type

Doctor says chocolate is good for you but only if you eat the right type

Nutritional scientist Tim Spector has delivered a sweet revelation for chocolate enthusiasts: it’s beneficial for your health, but only if you opt for the right kind. The King’s College London professor and founder of the Zoe health app advises sticking to dark chocolate with over 70 per cent cacao for significant health benefits. The magic … Read more

Seven foods said to enhance your memory and concentration

Seven foods said to enhance your memory and concentration

Our brain function can be significantly influenced by our dietary choices, with certain foods either aiding or impeding our ability to concentrate and remember. While some food items, such as heavily processed meals and sugary beverages, can have a detrimental effect, there are numerous nutrient-rich foods that bolster cognitive processes, enhance memory, and increase mental … Read more

Eating chocolate could reduce risk of gum disease by more than half

Eating chocolate could reduce risk of gum disease by more than half

Dark chocolate, often hailed for its health benefits such as enhancing brain function and reducing blood pressure, could also be a secret weapon against gum disease, experts suggest. A recent study by researchers at Chongqing Medical University in China revealed that the antioxidants, particularly flavonoids, found in this delicious treat could reduce the risk of … Read more