Guy Who ‘Swift Boated’ John Kerry Is Back At It, This Time To Help Service-Dodging Trump

Guy Who ‘Swift Boated’ John Kerry Is Back At It, This Time To Help Service-Dodging Trump

WASHINGTON — Two decades after attacking a fellow Purple Heart recipient in a political campaign, Chris LaCivita is back at it, this time in service of Donald Trump, who dodged military service by claiming he had bone spurs and who later called U.S. service members “suckers” and “losers.” LaCivita is one of two established political … Read more

RNC Already Helping Raise Money For Trump’s Legal Bills, Despite Campaign’s Claims

RNC Already Helping Raise Money For Trump’s Legal Bills, Despite Campaign’s Claims

WASHINGTON — Despite previous claims that the Republican National Committee would not be paying Donald Trump’s various legal bills, an invitation to a Palm Beach, Florida fundraiser next month shows that the Save America committee Trump has been using for that purpose will, in fact, be a recipient of donor money. The fundraiser for a … Read more