I Never Thought I’d Need To Give My 9-Year-Old Medical Cannabis. Here’s How We Got Here.

I Never Thought I’d Need To Give My 9-Year-Old Medical Cannabis. Here’s How We Got Here.

Do you know any 9-year-olds on cannabis? I didn’t either, until recently. It wasn’t something I ever expected, just like much of my current life. When my daughter was less than a year old, I sat on a hard plastic chair at our local children’s hospital as the doctor told my husband, Cedar, and I … Read more

Strict bedtimes and family routines may boost children’s brain development

Strict bedtimes and family routines may boost children’s brain development

A strict bedtime, family dinners and set playtime may boost children’s brain development and emotional resilience – particularly for those from disadvantaged backgrounds, research suggests. Sleep is known to be vital for growing brains and youngsters with regular routines typically spend more time asleep. Not getting enough shut-eye can drive changes in brain structure during their formative … Read more