The reason you wake up at 3am explained

The reason you wake up at 3am explained

If you have ever found yourself consistently waking up during the night, particularly around the same time, there is a good reason for it. Perhaps it’s always between 3 and 4 am, often referred to as ‘the witching hour’. However, rather than some eerie force disrupting your slumber, it appears the culprit could be something … Read more

Expert reveals smelly bedtime hack that will ‘transform’ your sleep

Expert reveals smelly bedtime hack that will ‘transform’ your sleep

Sleep is crucial to our health and wellbeing. According to the NHS, the average adult needs between seven and nine hours a night to function properly. But this can be easier said than done with around one in three of us struggling with sleep problems at least once in our lives. Therefore, many of us … Read more

Strict bedtimes and family routines may boost children’s brain development

Strict bedtimes and family routines may boost children’s brain development

A strict bedtime, family dinners and set playtime may boost children’s brain development and emotional resilience – particularly for those from disadvantaged backgrounds, research suggests. Sleep is known to be vital for growing brains and youngsters with regular routines typically spend more time asleep. Not getting enough shut-eye can drive changes in brain structure during their formative … Read more