Govt forms panel to examine demands for inclusion of more components in Auto PLI: Minister

Govt forms panel to examine demands for inclusion of more components in Auto PLI: Minister

The government has constituted a committee to examine the auto industry’s demand for including more components in the production-linked incentive scheme for automobile and auto components, Union Minister Mahendra Nath Pandey said. “A committee has been constituted to examine demands from stakeholders to include more (automotive) components in the scope of the PLI scheme as … Read more

Car sales in India drive past 4-million mark in 2023

Car sales in India drive past 4-million mark in 2023

India’s passenger vehicle sales surged past 4 million units for the first-time ever in calendar year 2023 buoyed by rising disposable incomes, an influx of new sport-utility vehicles, and attractive loan rates. More than 4.1 million cars, sedans and utility vehicles were sold in the domestic market last year, an 8.2% increase from the 3.79 … Read more

Ford Chairman Rebukes Auto Union For Striking At Truck Plant

Ford Chairman Rebukes Auto Union For Striking At Truck Plant

The executive chairman of Ford Motor Company broke his silence on the monthlong auto workers strike on Monday and said the work stoppage could “devastate local communities” if it continues. Bill Ford, the great-grandson of Henry Ford and the company’s chairman since 1999, also criticized the United Auto Workers union for recently shutting down the … Read more