Families outraged over alleged government involvement

(NewsNation) — Terry Strada, who lost her husband during 9/11, is among victims’ family members are outraged over alleged Saudi government involvement in 9/11 planning. “We now know that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia was deeply involved,” Strada claimed Friday on “CUOMO,” referencing a newly released video of alleged 9/11 evidence. 9/11 Justice founder Brett … Read more

Victim’s son reacts to video

(NewsNation) — A newly released video of alleged 9/11 evidence is “damning” in a civil suit against Saudi Arabia, according to victim’s son and 9/11 Justice founder Brett Eagleson. The video released Friday shows an alleged Saudi intelligence official casing the U.S. Capitol around the same time al-Qaida was planning the 2001 attacks. Investigators working … Read more