Maybe it takes a woman to point this out, but we would not accept body-shaming of this kind (‘We don’t need more small-penis energy, 19 March) in any other guise. Try some others for size: “Fat-body laziness”, anyone? “Big-nose ugliness”? Aggression, misogyny, bullying and bad driving have no more relationship to the size of the penis of the perpetrator than the size of their eyes or big toe. It’s time we dropped this unpleasant body-shaming epithet.
Caroline Graham
My late mother, Brenda Johnson, had the honour of touching up the late queen’s mother’s eyebrows while working for Dorothy Wilding in the 1930s (Editing photos to make the family look good? Kate’s just following royal tradition, 19 January). There were no accusations of deception at the time, and nobody suggested withdrawing the image.
Robert Powell
Sedbergh, Cumbria
A government spokesperson yet again claims it has worked “at pace” to solve a problem, this time in its response to the P&O pay loophole scandal (Report, 18 March). I insert “snail’s” each time I see this phrase.
Ruth Eversley
Paulton, Somerset
On a lighter note, I can report that when giving birth to my son in 1981, one of the songs on the delivery room radio was Altered Images’ Happy Birthday (Letters, 19 March).
Barbara Thompson
Aston, South Yorkshire
When did “spending a penny” become spending 40p? Is this phenomenon specific to the North Yorkshire coast?
Tei Willox
Lower Heyford, Oxfordshire