It’s hard to imagine a time when life was generally lived at 3mph – walking pace and the average speed of a horse-drawn boat. When the railways were being built, some critics warned that that the human body was incapable of withstanding speeds of 30mph. Fast forward – literally – 200 years and everything is done at pace; we’re always up against the clock. Which is why slow travel has become something of a movement, bolstered by the trend for mindfulness. We’d like to hear about your favourite ways of slowing things down a bit – whether it be puttering along a stretch of a canal, walking from village to village, camping in the woods, or going out berry picking in the local hedgerows.
If you have a relevant photo, do send it in – but it’s your words that will be judged for the competition.
Keep your tip to about 100 words
The best tip of the week, chosen by Tom Hall of Lonely Planet, will win a £200 voucher to stay at a Coolstays property – the company has more than 3,000 worldwide. The best tips will appear in the Guardian Travel section and website.
We’re sorry, but for legal reasons you must be a UK resident to enter this competition.
The competition closes on 5 February at 9am
Have a look at our past winners and other tips
Send in your tip
Tell us about your favourite slow travel break by filling in the form below.
Read the terms and conditions here