The regulator said there has been a surge of over 300% in the number of individuals participating in intraday trading in equity cash segment in FY23 compared to FY19. It said one in three individuals who trade in cash segment, trades intraday.
The study showed 76% of these traders in intraday segment were under the age of 30 years. The share of traders less than 30 years of age grew to 48% in FY23 from 18% in FY19.
It said proportion of loss-makers increased to 80% for traders with very frequent(more than 500 trades in a year) trading activity.
“Over and above the trading losses incurred, loss makers expended an additional 57% of their trading losses as trading costs in FY23, while profit makers spent 19% of their trading profits as trading costs in FY23,” the market watchdog said.